International Crypto Campaign
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Press Coverage of the International Wassenaar
Crypto Campaign has included:
- 7th October 1998
- Wired "Crypto
in the Arms Trade"
- 25th September 1998
- E-CARM News "International
Cryptography Campaign Update"
- 22nd September 1998
- Les Chroniques de Cybérie"Rôle du citoyen et
développement d'Internet"
- 21st September 1998
- Liaison francophone "Pour que la
cryptographie ne soit plus considérée comme une
- Internet Magazine "'Freedom
to encrypt' say online civil liberties groups"
- 18th September 1998
- BBC "Rights
group backs encryption"
- NewsEdge
to push U.S. on encryption exports - Rexrodt"
- Telepolis "Rexrodt
protestiert gegen die amerikanische Krypto-Politik"
- 17th September 1998
- TechWeb "Crypto
Groups Challenge Arms-Control Treaty"
- Telepolis "Kryptographie
ist keine Waffe"
- Wirtschaftsblatt
"Software-Industrie k�mpft gegen
- Multimédium "Cryptographie:
et l'individu dans tout ça?"
- ZDNet France "Pour
amender Wassenaar sur le cryptage"
- 16th September 1998
- ZDNet Spain "Derech
o a la privacidad. No al control criptográfico (Right to Privacy. No
cryptographic control)"
- 15th September 1998
- Newsbytes "Global
Campaign To Remove Crypto Restrictions"
"(NB) -- By Adam Creed, Newsbytes. A global coalition of Internet civil
liberties organizations has called for the removal of all restrictions on
the export of cryptography imposed by governments around the world."
- Subscription
to Newsbytes Asia Wire required to access this report
- 24th August 1998
- europemedia.com "Cryptic Conference in Vienna"
This page last updated on 9th October 1998
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