[Letterhead: Office of Film and Literature Classification]
Our ref: 989224
Ms I Graham
Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc.
PO Box 382
North Adelaide
South Australia 5006
Dear Ms Graham,
Application to Classify a Federal Court Judgement
I refer to your application dated 23 April 1998 under section 13 of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 ("the Act") for the classification of the Full Federal Court Judgement in Brown and Others v Classification Review Board.
I write to inform you that the Classification Board is concerned that:
You may wish to seek a Court ruling that undertaking the classification exercise is within the power of the Classification Board and would not be a contempt of court. This, of course, is a matter for you. However, in the absence of such a ruling, the Board declines to act on the classification application.
You may wish to apply for a refund of the fee paid by Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc when it applied for classification. If so please advise me.
Yours sincerely,
Andree Wright
A/g Director
17 July 1998
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